Forgotten Hill Wiki

Nathan McMillan was born in 1877 alongside his twin brother Ethan to Agnes and Owen McMillan. He began collecting marionettes from an early age, developing an obsession with them (like his brother had an obsession with the act of surgery and surgical devices). He also owned a record of "Danse Macabre" by Camille Saint-Saƫns, which he listened to often.

In April of 1888, his father requested him to slaughter his horse Berry, citing that "its time had come". After decapitating the horse with his father's saber, he performed a ritual that transformed Berry's spirit into a shadowy demon. When he and his friends gathered to trick-or-treat on Halloween night, 1891, he donned a horned raven mask as part of his Halloween costume. This mask, worn beforehand in a previous photo (dated Halloween night 1887) of the twins playing, became the signature part of his outfit as "The Puppeteer".

After the gruesome events of that night he, his brother, and his friends were adopted by Baxter Anderson (now under the control of Ruth). As Baxter was the Puppet Theater's financier, it can be assumed that Nathan began using the building for his own bloody schemes shortly after his adoption. Taking the Puppet Theater for his own, he drew in guests far and wide with advertisements of the spectacles they were to see and the people who called the theater home. However, once inside he would capture the unwary and turn them into marionettes by combining flesh, wood, string, and sadism. Years later, his show still goes on...

Appearance: Nathan has an appearance of an average bodied puppeteer in purple robes, but he has the head of an horned Raven with glowing reddish white eyes. He is seen holding two puppets in his hands while staring at the Mr. Larson [aka the person you are playing as] as if he is a pile of bird seeds.[]
The Puppeteer
