Forgotten Hill Wiki
Forgotten Hill Wiki

"Welcome to Forgotten Hill Museum, a place where the past, the present, nature, art and the unknown are exhibited! Do you want to have the best experience of this visit? So take some advice: never believe your eyes..." - Quote from the game's official website.

Forgotten Hill: Disillusion is an 8 episode sequel to the first series of Forgotten Hill games. It once again features Jimmy Larson as the player/character, and is set one year after the events of Forgotten Hill: Surgery.



One year after escaping the Surgery Clinic in Forgotten Hill. Jimmy Larson had tried to tell others of his ordeal only for his stories of the town to be treated as unbelievable, causing him to think he'd gone crazy. Despite the public's disbelief, terrible things kept occurring in Forgotten Hill, prompting Jimmy to try to find closure and a solution to this nightmare via returning to the town to learn more., specifically, by going to the "Forgotten Hill: Museum & Library". Entering the building, we see a man working the ticket booth who asks if Mr. Larson would like a ticket for the cost of a dollar. Upon receiving the ticket, Mr. Larson places it inside a Research Folder (providing us with previous and new lore). After closing it and noting the pocket watch beside it, we enter the library.

The Library:[]

Upon entering the library, the door is shut behind us and locked. A scroll on the wall to the left of the door states that the library is the "central and oldest part" of the museum and this section's caretaker is Professor Jonah Thompson. Solving the picture puzzle on the opposite wall reveals a key. Proceeding to the first room on the right, we open the left door with the book symbol and step inside, revealing rows of bookcases lining the two rooms within. On the desk underneath a portrait of The Puppeteer is a map revealing the layout of the library. Going right reveals a second room for this section and a particularly curious bookshelf. Opening it shows that we are missing several books from the shelf. Backing out of the bookshelf area to the two doors, we move once more to the right, opening the door with the office symbol. Inside we collect a bottle of sleeping draught and examine a letter about the Balzhared machine. Opening the left desk drawer, we obtain one of the missing books. Retreating to the hall where the child statue is, we open the cabinet underneath to reveal another missing book. In the child's hand is a clue for how to position the books later. Moving right yet again, we meet Jonah (briefly flashing his true form). When interacted with, he requests a glass of wine. Returning left and entering the room with the kitchen symbol, we can open the cabinet with our key to procure a bottle of wine, some sweetener, and another lost book. Placing the bottle into the duck-headed bottle opener, we can use the poster of skulls with different eyebrow positions to aid us in our quest to get the wine uncorked. Finally having uncorked the bottle and pouring the wine into the glass on the table (along with the draught), we return to Jonah.

Jonah, ever one to make things more difficult, requests we make him a crispy snack before he can sample the wine and hands us a silver key. Returning to the kitchen and heading right to explore further in the room, we can inspect a cookbook which reveals the snack consists of a sole ingredient; a rat (or as the recipe states, "the freshest meat from your pantry"). After closing the book and collecting the mouse trap next to the stove, we can now take the silver key and use it to open the door to the left of the poster with the skulls. Inside we see a shelf filled with various artifacts, a projector, a mirror, and a hole in the wall directly below the mirror within we hear squeaking. Placing the mouse trap next to the hole, we move the projector onto the mirror and lo and behold, it reveals how the artifacts should be arranged! After putting the artifacts in their proper places, the mirror moves and a new clover-ended key is ours for the taking. The clover key lets us open the remaining locked cabinet door in the kitchen which was hiding cheese for the trap. Placing the cheese in the trap, we exit the room and return to find the bloody, mangled corpse of our rat. Back to the kitchen we go, placing the rat on the saucer next to the bottle opener and then taking the whole affair and stuffing it into our inventory. Placing the dish inside the oven, we cook the rat according to the recipe. We finally have Jonah's snack.

Jonah falls asleep and we can finally nab the cog from under his hand (which we add to our pocket watch) and the final missing book. Using the paper clue from the child statue, we arrange the books in order, revealing a hidden passage! The passage leads to a hidden room with a gallery of the town's founders, Jonah, a girl, a patient we met in the Colonel's Clinic, and the Colonel and the Puppeteer without their masks as children. On top of the safe to the right, we obtain a camera that allows us "to see and to photograph a new reality". Going over each photograph in the gallery with the camera reveal true forms of the people within and the solution to the safe. Opening the safe presents us with a spade emblem and a large pair of scissors. Time to see what else this camera can do.

Using the camera on the what skull poster skull poster shows a clue to the office cabinet puzzle. Take a photo for future reference. Returning to the office, we use the clue and more photographs to open the cabinet and we can now get the hammer. Venturing all the way to the right of the hall, we use the camera below the geisha painting to reveal an "X" on the wall. Using our hammer repeatedly reveals a heart emblem and a paper revealing how to unlock the right desk drawer in the office. Upon unlocking the drawer, we receive a sharp pencil. Returning to Jonah, we use the scissors to open his jacket lining, releasing a diamond emblem. Back in the kitchen, to the right of the oven is a flea-spider. Using the sweetener on the wall to distract it, it can be stabbed with a sharp pencil and killed, allowing us to add it to our inventory. Checking the portrait of The Puppeteer allows us to obtain the solution to the final office puzzle (how to position the swords on the display above the desk). Positioning everything correctly grants us access to the coin in the center and the clubs emblem revealed underneath the display. Returning to the end of the hall, we can finally open the door with all of the emblems. And, now that we have the coin, we can start up the Balzhared machine.

Whirring to life with a set of dings, the machine makes us press buttons to total up the number of red lights displayed at a time. Solving the sequence grants us a ticket to the next exhibit, the "Flora & Fauna" section. Exiting to the hall of other exhibits, we try accessing the door to the exhibit only to be stopped by the man previously working the ticket booth, now in full security guard uniform. He asks if we have a ticket to that section and, once giving it to him, he bids us access with the hopes Mr. Larson will enjoy this next section.

Flora & Fauna:[]

Now able to click the scroll outside of the entrance, we learn that the caretaker of this section is Mrs. Abigail Blumenthal. We enter the exhibit, quickly finding we are unable to exit. Underneath the crane drawing is the exhibit map. Going all the way to the right, we see a cross between two doors. Clicking on it repeatedly allows a key to be freed from behind it and quickly collected. Going into the door to the left of the cross, we see Abigail (her true form also briefly flashing). Bird cage in one hand and a cane in the other, she requests our aid in catching her bird. Handing us the cage, we can examine the "Amazing Creatures" book on the small shelf to our left. Exiting the room and quckly going left, we can hang the bird cage on the rope next to the room with the tools symbol. Using the key to open it, we enter what appears to be a janitor's closet of sorts. We immediately collect the broom, screwdriver, and bucket. Trying to interact with the lightbulb tells us the bulb is burning hot and we can't obtain it with bare hands. Returning to the hall and moving right, we enter the door with an owl symbol. As expected, a mechanical owl waits inside. However, it's wingless with gears exposed and its eye sockets are empty.

Then we hear it. The tapping of an impatient old lady with a cane. This sound will haunt you for the rest of this section until you return the bird to her, audible wherever you go.

Ignoring the sound, we examine the "Amazing Plants" book briefly before moving right inside this section where we can see two chains with rings at the end. By hand, they can only be pulled one at a time. Using the broom handle, however, we can bring both down simultaneously, exposing a hidden compartment which hides a gear. Taking the screwdriver from our inventory, we can pry the eye from the skeleton directly left of the compartment and place it in one of the owl's sockets. Heading back into the hallway and heading left, we enter the room with the flower symbol above the door. Immediately inside is a ferocious, carnivorous plant reminiscent of Audrey II. Taking our camera, we can see the posters behind the plant hide a solution to the placement of the skeletons in the hall. However, the plant is blocking the extent of one. Taking a photo of the one not obscured, we head into the hallway and go right to the skeleton next to the owl door. Using the camera for reference, we correctly position the skeleton and press the red button to open a compartment below the skeleton. Inside we take an owl wing and a new, silver key.

Heading left to the end of the hall, we open the door with the beetle symbol above it. Inside we see a multitude of insects and a fetus. Using the silver key to open the case to the right of the fetus, we reveal free the beetle within. However, Mr. Larson notes that trying to take it with bare hands would be a poor idea. Exiting the room and heading right, we head to the skeletons in the hall. Examining the placards below them, we see the letters "DYING" are underlined. Returning to the beetle room, we now have the solution to the letter puzzle below the fetus. We now have gloves! We can take the gloves to remove the beetle. Re-examining the "Amazing Creatures" book, we read that the beetle, once ingested, causes a predator to explode. Returning to the flower room, we feed the beetle to the carnivorous plant, leaving only the stem remaining. Now the solution to the other skeleton is visible! After taking a photo of the poster, we place the bucket under the leaking stem and obtain a full bucket. The mandrake directly to the right comes out of hiding and we collect it. Entering the door to the right of the plants, we see more plants, a lamp, a bowl, and a hook above the bowl. We can take the mandrake and hang it on the hook. Exiting the flower room, we take the camera out and solve the other skeleton positioning puzzle. After pressing the red button, the compartment below this skeleton opens and within are hiding a poster and a knife. Returning to the owl room, we can place the wing from our inventory on the owl. Exiting the owl room and returning to the janitor's closet, we can use the gloves to remove the lightbulb. Hanging up the poster on the nail directly to the right, the proper sequence of symbols is revealed with the camera, giving us a hint for a later puzzle. We nab a photo. Returning to the insect room, we use the filled bucket as a weight, allowing us to access another gear. Back again to the flower room, we can screw the lightbulb into the lamp. Taking the dagger, we stab the mandrake and take what seems to be a pear. However, nothing is as it seems in Forgotten Hill.

We take the "pear" with us into the hall and place it under the bird cage as bait. Clicking the bird, we cause it to fly left to rest under the cage. But, despite our best efforts, the button does not work. Directly to the right of the button is a gear puzzle. Placing our two gears within, we learn that we don't have enough gears. Back in the owl room, we have the solution to the safe immediately to the left of the mechanical owl with us on our camera. Upon unlocking it, we now have the owl's other eye! Returning it to the owl's other socket, our inventory lay empty. But not for long. Returning to the far right of the hall, we open the door with the ticket stub symbol above. Entering it, we see a small gallery of insects which have various symbols below them. Retreating to the far left of the hall, we can use our camera on the crane drawing to expose the order of the symbols via how far the candle has burned. Venturing all the way back to the ticket door, we arrange the insect drawings in the proper sequence, causing the other owl wing to fall from the ceiling via a rope (which we immediately collect). Using the camera once more, we reveal a color sequence on the insect drawings. We take several photos due to the small view finder of the camera. Back in the owl room, we return the other wing and a color puzzle below the safe compartment opens. Using our photos, we solve the color puzzle. Within this lower compartment is the final gear, with which we can solve the gear puzzle. Now we can press the red button below and capture the bird. Returning the bird to Abigail, she gives us a key as a reward. She leaves to "get it ready", allowing us to take the cog and place it alongside the other within our pocket watch. Returning to the owl room for the last time, we interact with the owl to reveal the solution to the final puzzle in the ticket stub room. Pressing the red button on the machine, we recieve our ticket for the "Sea Mysteries" exhibit. We can finally exit to the exhibit hall. Trying the "Sea Mysteries" door, the security guard asks if we have a ticket to that section and, once giving it to him, he bids us access with the hopes Mr. Larson will enjoy this next section.

Sea Mysteries:[]

Now able to click the scroll outside of the entrance, we learn that the caretaker of this section is Captain Adam Drake. We enter the exhibit and obtain the exhibit map from the shark jaws on display. We take note that it's missing some teeth for later on. Heading right, we enter the room with the jellyfish symbol above it. As assumed, jellyfish wait within and below one of the tanks is a shark tooth. However, the power's out and we're unable to access any of the exhibits inside this room. Exiting the room and venturing to the right, we open the door with the reef symbol above it. Inside we're reminded that the power's out and we can't access anything within. Trying the room directly to the right with a fish symbol above it, Adam immediately greets us (his true form briefly flashing) asking if we have any fish before slamming the door in our face upon realizing we're fishless. Venturing right, we open the door with the tools symbol above it and see a meat grinder on a table, multiple buttons, a jar with worms (which we collect), and pincers (which we also collect). Leaving the room, we snap a photo of the poster via the camera, giving us a hint for an upcoming puzzle. We open the door directly to the right with a fish skeleton symbol above it. Inside is a massive fish skeleton, missing a bone. In it's place is a crank handle and further back on the fish is another shark tooth. Exiting the room, we travel all the way to the far right of the hall. Hidden behind the machine is, get this, yet another shark tooth. We open the door with a fish fossil symbol above it. Immediately inside we see a sort of angler fish who, when interacted with, moves around seemingly randomly. We take note of this for the future before opening the door to the left of the tank, showing a display of fish fossils with one missing. In the bottom left corner of the room is one more shark tooth. Leaving to the hallway once more, we go all the way to the left to the door with the electricity symbol above it, locked via padlock and chain. Using the pincers on the chain allows the door to be opened and the power room to be accessed. We're missing something, though, so we leave.

Now stepping into the room with the grinder, we attach the crank handle to the machine from our inventory and pour in the worms from the jar into the grinder. Using our photo of the poster from earlier, we can turn the crank in the proper direction and grind up the worms into a paste in the awaiting bowl below. We can now revisit the power room and pour the paste into our generator which causes it to be powered up. Opening the safe directly to the left requires some trial and error, but when opened it reveals a cache of items. Specifically another shark tooth, a bottle with water, a puzzle hint, and a book entitled "Creatures of The Deep". Revisiting the power control panel to the right of the reef and fish doors, we can use the puzzle hint to properly distribute power to the reef room. Using the "Creatures of The Deep" book, we can solve the puzzle we are immediately greeted by when we enter the aforementioned room which allows us to spear and collect the Hunter Toad. Exiting the room, we immediately give the fish to the Captain, who states that he was starving to death and proceeds to go cook it.

After he moves away, we now have access to the fish room. There within we find two large fish sculptures and another cog for our pocket watch. One more to go! From the angler fish's eye we obtain a map. We give the caged creature water and it gives us a tooth in exchange, pleading with us to get more water as it is still so thirsty. Leaving the room, we wander over to the far left of the hall and place our collected teeth into the shark jaws. After inserting the last tooth, a secret compartment opens in the center of the mouth and we retreive a drill from it. Returning to the reef room and venturing to the left, a claw machine of sorts hides a key within. Unfortunately, the key is attatched to a sea snail and as long as it is alive, we cannot obtain the key. Using our newly attained drill on the bottom right corner of the display allows the water to be drained and collected in our empty bottle and as kills the snail in the process, allowing us to snatch the key. Walking back down the hall all the way to the right, we place the map on the angler fish's tank. Interacting with the fish once more allows us to make sense of a sequence of symbols we can use to solve the fish placard on the wall to the left of the jellyfish room. Inserting the symbols correctly allows us to collect a large eye and a fuse. We insert the fuse into the control panel to the right of the jellyfish room and move on to the other control panel to the right of the fish room and divert power to the left, transferring it to the jellyfish room control panel. After fiddling with that control panel, we can now have power on in the jellyfish room and one of the exhibits within.

Choosing to power to the symbol in the control panel with the hammer allows us to play a curious game of whack-a-mole with the pots in the left exhibit. Successfully beating it causes the creature inside to die and blood to bubble from inside the vessel, unable to be interacted with further. Venturing back into the hallway, we go all the way to the right and open the cabinet directly beside the machine with our newest key. Tucked away inside are peices of the missing fossil, waiting to be reassembled and put away in their proper space inside the fossil room. Upon reassembly, interacting with any of the fossils causes them to be flipped. Flipping them correctly opens part of the central safe, revealing a bone. Returning to the fish room, we give another bottle of water to the creature who gives us a hint for a future puzzle. Back in the fish skeleton room, we can finally add in the bone that's been missing. When touched, each produces a note. Exiting the room, we restore power to the tools room via the control panel directly to the right of the fish room. Inside the tools room, we can now press the buttons in the proper sequence. After doing such, colored lights are triggered. Their order will be used in the jellyfish room momentarily. Returning to the control panel next to the fish room, we can divert power back to the jellyfish room and via the control panel to the right of the jellyfish room, we can further divert power to the jellyfish exhibit itself.

The wires to their tanks now exposed, they can be sorted in the order of the colored lights seen previously. Pressing the red button shocks the jellyfish into a series of colors. Returning to the fish skeleton room, we play the designated colored bones in the order we saw the jellyfish flash. Emerging from the fish skeleton are a series of symbol which, when examined with the camera, show us a series of colored buttons. Retreating to the hall and heading all the way right once more, we enter the fossil room again. Opening the safe by getting all of the lines upright opens the clam on top. We now have our coin for the machine just outside. However, we must return to the fish sculptures in the fish room and give the angler it's eye back, giving us our solution to the final puzzle in the skeleton fish room. Completing it grants us a pearl that can be returned to the clam, opening the safe and revealing a key. With key and coin in hand, we can activate the machine and the last puzzle for this section. Using the clue the caged creature provided us and common sense, the ticket to the last wing of the museum is ours! We can return to the main hall. Trying the "Sculptural Arts" door, the security guard asks if we have a ticket to that section and, once giving it to him, he bids us access with the hopes Mr. Larson will enjoy this last section.

Sculptural Arts:[]

Now able to click the scroll outside of the entrance, we learn that the caretaker of this section is Gustav Mellor. Entering the exhibit we are immediately greeted by the statue of a seated woman holding a tablet on the bottom left, a poster above that statue, a door with a guitar symbol above it, and an Aztec statue on the table to the right of the door. Hidden behind it is the "Sculptural Arts" map. Accessing our camera, we can take a picture of the woman statue's true form, revealing symbols inscribed into her tablet. Entering the room with the guitar symbol, we see four marble statues. Three missing instruments, one missing sheet music. We take the bloodied cloth from the rightmost statue and return to the hall. Heading once to the right, we inspect the angel statue blocking the door and learn that it's too heavy too move by itself and the wheels on the cart it's on are rusted. Moving all the way to the far right of the hall, we see a version of "The Mouth of Truth" statue. Using our photo of the female statue, we can insert the proper symbols into the section below the mouth statue. Correctly inserting the symbols causes a card to expelled from the statue's mouth. Entering the room with a projector symbol above it, we can place the card into the proper section of the projector in the center of the room. This causes the top left section of the cabinet which the projector is on to vanish, revealing an oil can. Returning to the hallway and adding oil to the wheels of the cart holding the angel statue, we can finally move it from the door it was blocking. In the process, however, it falls over.

We can now enter the room it was hiding, which has an eye symbol above it. Inside is a statue whose placard says "I See You". Placing the cloth on the head of the statue causes the cloth to be turned to stone and joined to the head, allowing us to take the string of five marbles from its hands. Returning to the hall, we go to the door directly to the right of the projector room with a monster symbol above it. Upon entering the room, we can see the monster sculpture the symbol is designed after. Using a camera on the monster, we see which of its eyes are closed and place the marbles within. Doing such ejects a card from below the sculpture, which can be added to it's proper place in the projector room. After placing it correctly, the top right section of the cabinet below the projector is revealed, showing a gold key within. We leave this room and go back into the hallway, heading right again. Opening the door to the left of the sculpture holding a bowl of blood, we see inside a collection of statues of varying weights. After getting all of these sculptures level with one another, the left cavity in their display stand reveals an eye and yet another card. Returning to the monster room, we place the eye in the primary socket of the monster and a hidden elevator rises from the ground!

This elevator can take us down a maximum of two floors, but the floor furthest below requires a key to access. Noting this, we head to the first sub-floor. On this floor, we can see a table with a book to the left of the elevator. This book, entitled "Forgotten Hill Museum Sculpture Collection", gives us information on all of the sculptures we've seen thus far and those we've yet to see. Heading left, we see an empty jar on the table on the left side of a strange box on a stand. Using every number token to solve the machine's math problem opens the box to give us our final card. Returning to the projector room, we can insert the last two cards into the projector, giving us a sheet from the upper center drawer of the cabinet it rests upon. Using the position of the figure statues hidden in the projector room and next to the mouth sculpture, we can take the sheet to their larger counterparts and properly adjust their positions in the correct order. Placing the sheet over another statue again gives us the solution to the projector puzzle. After arranging the projectors like the symbol on the sheet, the bottom left cabinet space opens and from it we can take a mandolin and a gold key. Heading back into the hall, we travel to the left end of the hall and head inside the music room, placing the mandolin in the rightmost statue's hands. We return to the hall and venture right to the practice room, directly to the right of the sculpture holding the bowl of blood. Within, we finally meet Gustav (whose true form briefly flashes) and his pupil.

While Gustav tries ringing a bell to get his student to sing to the beat, the boy complains of a growing headache from the sound it produces. Using the camera on the desk below the pupil reveal carvings to aid us in our next puzzle. After taking a photo, we head to the locked panel above the angel statue and open it with our newest key. Using the photo, we can properly arrange the previously hidden symbols in order. Solving it gives us our answer to the second puzzle in the figure room. On our way to the room where the figures reside, we take our empty jar and use it on the bowl of blood, filling the jar with meat. Feeding the figures in the room directly to the left in the order specified opens the right side of the display stand. Hiding inside is another symbol to make with our projector. When arranging the projector properly is done, the bottom right cabinet opening disappears, giving us a silver key and a flute. Going once more to the music room, we place the flute into a statue's hands. Leaving to the hall and heading right, we enter the room the angel statue was previously blocking (with an eye symbol above the door) once again. Using the key, we open the door within and venture further inwards, now face to face with "The Sincere Cheater" statue. Referencing the poster above its head, we use our camera to navigate the maze by heading in the true direction. After a few minutes of correctly clicking on doors, we now are greeted by a new puzzle whose premise is simple; get the faces in their proper columns, ordered as they are on the sides of the grid. The proper solution gives us a small scuplture with a final symbol for our projector. After inputting the symbol properly into the projecto, the last section of cabinet opens. Within are a tambourine and a key. Taking a brief detour to place the tambourine into the hands of a statue in the music room, we quickly head to the monster room. Taking the elevator, we can now use the key to decend to the second sub-floor. Taking the pickaxe from the hands of the scuplture in the left room of the floor causes us to be stared at by a pair of human eyes. Scurrying back to the elevator, we retreat to the first floor.

Going to the angel statue, we use the pickaxe to separate its head from it's torso. Moving right to the pillar between the projector room and the monster room, we place the head firmly onto it, causing a hidden compartment to open. This contains the music score for the final statue (the music stand) in the music room. Placing the score on the stand causes "Danse Macabre" to play through the speakers of the room (and throughout the halls of this section). Quckly returning to the practice room, we interact with Gustav, who tells us that he is leaving to listen to the song in his studio. His pupil is now alone, but his headache is still present. Entering the eye room again, we see " The Sincere Cheater" statue. Using our camera once again, we now navigate the maze by heading in the false direction as "Truth is not always the right way" (according to the sculpture book from earlier). Arriving at a pile of bones, we collect the mushrooms at their center. Returning to the practice room, we feed the mushrooms to the student who states his pain is easing. He gives us a coin in thanks as it's all he has. Going back out into the hall, we head to the far right once more. Inputting the coin into the slot of the machine reveals that it's another Balzhared machine. Lighting up all of the red lights without being caught prompts the machine to ding and Balzhared to request to "hear the right ticking". Pulling out our pocket watch, the machine dinging once more before moving aside to reveal a secret passage. A bookcase is in the dead center of the room and, examining the book "The Incredible Inventions of Mr. Clockwork", we learn that what was previously thought to be a pocket watch is actually something called a "Spectrum Diverter". Behind the book is the final cog for the diverter. It instantly shows us to the true reality without use of our camera, now allowing us to jump between the two realities freely. Seems the puzzles from before were just the beginning.

Beyond Sculptural Arts:[]

Filled with gore and ruined architecture, this reality shows us that the statues and sculptures we interacted with previously are actually creatures like the ones we saw in the cage in the "Sea Mysteries" exhibit. Returning to what we previously thought was the mouth statue, we can obtain a code from it (as stated in "The Incredible Inventions of Mr. Clockwork"). Getting our code, we take it to what we thought was the angel statue, inserting it into the panel above. We now have a sickle. Returning to the false reality, we take it to the statue holding the bowl of blood, using it to sever the rope above it. Flipping back to the true reality, we see that the statue was hiding a scrap of paper with a solution we can use in the projector room in the false reality. Correctly inputting the symbol causes the projector and cabinet to rise into the air, revealing two lines of gears. Changing to the true reality reveals that there is a doorway in between those lines... we just need the code to solve it. Returning to the eye room, we take the cloth off of the cyclops' eye and stuff it into our inventory. Returning to the hall, we go to the far left once more and use it to cover the face of the Aztec statue that the seated woman is terrified of. Doing such causes the tentacle in her mouth to fall out.

We can now exit the exhibit hall and see the true version of the scroll hanging next to the entrance, explaining that Gustav aka "Doctor Terror" was a serial killer who had 14 murders attributed to him. He would torture his victims for for days, during which he would hammer nails into their skulls to stimulate various parts of the brain. Doing such caused the victims do sing or play instruments for him without being able to stop due to muscle stimulation and literally died by making music. The end of the scroll states that Gustav had been shot to death years ago after a rapid trial. How was he here with us now?

Reentering the "Sculptural Arts" hall, we return to the monster room. Pulling on the cord to the right of the elevator, the true form of the monster stares us down. Feeding it the tentacle causes it to digest it and excrete it for us to collect. In layman's terms, we just got monster poop.

Pulling the cord once more, the elevator comes back into view. Using it to go to the first sub-floor, the book to its left has changed. Now it is covered in various symbols and a demonic face. Opening it, we learn that the creatures we've been seeing throughout the museum are called "Nynchkuddys", children whose souls have been extracted. Heading left, we see the room with frames inside. Switching back to the false reality reveals that our monster poop has been turned into a sapphire. Placing it in the leftmost frame, we can use the spectrum diverter again, allowing us to obtain a newly visible yellow card from below the frame. Going back to the elevator, we head even further down. On the table next to the elevator, the Colonel writes a message for a woman named Ruth, stating that he has constructed the guard that has been greeting us throughout the museum. Returning to the false reality, we enter the music room (as the door is not there in the true reality). Switching back again reveals stands to place cards into. Placing the yellow card in its corrosponding stand opens the door below it, allowing us to grab the brain that was once hiding within. Changing to the false reality again, we head into the monster room. Now flicking to the true reality, we feed the monster the brain and it gives us more poop. Repeating the previous steps involving the first sub-floor, the only changes are that our monster poop has turned into topaz and the card we obtain in the false reality is now a green card. Back to the music room, we insert the green card into its corresponding stand and get a heart. Going through the motions once more, the only differences this time are an emerald and our final red card. This card, when inserted, gives us fingers to feed to our monster friend. After one more time of this back and forth, we recieve the last gem, a ruby. We hear an unlocking sound. But what could it be after all that trouble? A puzzle hint... but not just any puzzle hint.

Taking a photo for reference, we reenter the projector room. Changing to the true reality, we can finally open the door that's been evading us for so long. Inside is none other than Gustav, donning stockings and a tutu with hammer in hand. He challenges us to three rounds of "The Devil's Game" Beating him in all three rounds sends him back to whence he came... hell.

Beyond Sea Mysteries:[]

Back in the main hall holding all the wings of the museum, we go once to the left, just outside of the "Sea Mysteries" exhibit. Now able to see the scroll's true version, we learn that Adam was the captain of a brig named "Horror In The Night" and was a bloodthirsty pirate who drowned in the sinking of the "Horror", although his body was never found. I suppose we know where it's been residing.

Entering the exhibit hall once more, we go just outside of the jellyfish room. On the door's left is a puzzle where we need to make all the eyes open. When successful, the wood panel disappears and we collect a crowbar. Going to the far right of the hall to the fossil room, we enter it and realize that in the true reality we cannot enter the left room where the fossils themselves are stored. No matter, we merely switch to the false reality, enter the room, and use the crowbar to pry open the giant clam so we can now view the pearl we put inside it earlier. Switching back the true reality, the pearl is revealed to be a massive eyeball that, once interacted with, shows us the solution to the puzzle surrounding it. After correctly solving the puzzle, we briefly change realities to the false one and head in front of the fish room. There we change back to the true reality and use the same solution on the panel to the direct right of the fish room. Inside the nook that hid behind the panel are a diapositive and piece of paper with the solution to the puzzle directly to the right of the jellyfish room. When done with correctly arranging the symbols, a key is revealed. Using the key in the keyhole next to the jellyfish tanks causes the tanks to be shocked in a specific order. Returning to the fish room, we can see the nynchkuddy we gave water to in the cage. Placing to diapositive in the lightbulb projector in the center of the room causes another puzzle solution to be revealed for later, which we take a photo of. Venturing back to the fish skeleton room, we use the cycle the jellyfish tanks were shocked in to help us press the buttons surrounding the false fish skeleton in the correct order. Doing this opens the medical cabinet the the left of the mess of plywood, granting us access to a scalpel. Scalpel in hand, we go all the way to the far left of the hall, entering the power room. Using the tool, we carve into the monster and take two buttons from it, killing it instantly.

Going into the tool room by using our device briefly and flickering between realities, we can obtain knowledge for how to solve a puzzle and another article about more children kidnapped. If not understood before now, this makes it clear to us that all of the missing children's cases are due to the need for more nynchkuddys by the museum staff. At that horrifying realization, we go to the reef room to solve the puzzle of where to move the fish. Once in their proper locations, a saw falls from the ceiling on a rope and we collect it. Returning to left end of the hall, we use the saw on the wooden shark teeth to obtain stakes. Where do we put these stakes? Why in the fossil room at the other end of the hall, of course! Using our photo from earlier, we can put the stakes in their designated holes. We hear an unlocking sound and, when we go back to the false reality, we see the star door below the tank has opened and we can nab the sea star from within. Back again we move to the reef room, heading further into the left side of the room before switching to the true reality. Now we can input our buttons into their designated sections, which causes a door to be lowered from the ceiling. Placing the starfish into the door causes it to open.

Inside is the Captain, a tentacle faced beast. He challenges us to three rounds of "The Devil's Game", more difficult that our bout with Gustav. Beating him in all three rounds sends him back to hell. Returning to the main hall, we go outside of the "Flora & Fauna" wing, stopping to do some light reading before we enter.

Beyond Flora & Fauna:[]

Able to see the scroll's true version, we learn that Abigail was a serial killer who adorned her clothing in bird skulls. After attracting the victims (all four being female) to her home, she stunned them and used them as guinea pigs to test the serums and poisons she produced. She "died by hanging", assumedly not by her own hand. However, like the others, Ruth brought her back to earth. Now it's our turn to send her back to hell.

Entering the wing, we go to the puzzle directly to the right of the tool door. A game of memory with a twist (literally), we can take gears and an empty bottle once solved. Heading right into the owl room, we add the gears to the mechanical owl and interact with it. It moves its wings in a pattern, giving us an answer as to how we're supposed to position the arms of the cross at the right end of the hall. After arranging the arms for the first position, we pull the cord below the cross to record it, Repeating this until the end of the sequence, the cross rises up and we get access to another piece of paper with a puzzle solution. Venturing all the way to the left end of the hall, we enter the insect room. Using the paper, we can solve the machine on the right side of the room. Upon conclusion, we get an axe and use it immediately to obtain a human fetus from the tank on the left of the room. Entering the flower room and changing to the false reality, we use our empty bottle to collect plant sap. Flickering back to the true reality, we return to the owl room and chop the skeleton's head off with the axe, collecting the skull. Returning to the plant room, we check the "Amazing Plants" book and see that we can attatch the bird skull to the stem. After attatching it, the pot the plant is in hops and reveals garden scissors.

Changing to the false reality again, we use the garden scissors to sever the pumpkin from its vine and stuff it into our inventory. Going into the room right of the plants (still in the flower room), we flash back to the true reality and acknowledge the puzzle solution at the bottom of the table for future use. Snipping the head off of the "Prunus Bipertitus", we collect it. Taking our axe once more, we chop off the arm from where it was growing. Changing to the false reality briefly and then the true reality once more, we go all the way to the right of the hall and enter the left room. Using our sap on the vines above the cage, we grow a plant fetus. After this, we take the sun-moon fruit and put it on the half moon phase of the poster in the middle of the room. Down from the ceiling comes a shirt on a chain, and we collect it. Taking both into the owl room and further into the side room, we put both fetuses onto scales and now have access to a key and a paper with puzzle solution. Using the key on the cabinet below the owl gets us a hat and a pair of gloves. Retreating to the tool room/janitor's closet, we take the gloves and use them to collect the tentacles from the bowl on the floor. Heading all the way to the right of the hall to the ticket stub room. Entering the room, we use the pumpkin, tentacles, hat, shirt, and arm to construct a scarecrow. When finished, its terrifying visage it spooks the horned ravens, causing them to leave behind a socket wrench. Back in the tool room, we use the wrench on the grate in the wall, able to snag the dead frog from behind it. Leaving the room and going into the insect room, we can use the puzzle solution paper to tell us the button sequence. After inputting the sequence correctly, we add another dead frog to our inventory. Using the puzzle solution from the plant room's table, we hang the frogs on their proper hooks, causing an ornament to lower from the ceiling.

With ornament ready, we return to the ticket stub room and place the ornament on the door to the right of the scarecrow. Abigail waits inside and she challenges us to another three rounds of "The Devil's Game". Beating her in all three rounds sends her back to hell with the Captain and the Doctor. We now can reenter the library.

Beyond The Library:[]

Retracing our steps, we begin to head left and stop at the table Jonah was feasting at (his seat now empty). On the table is a puzzle solution for later. Going left, we take a mandrake from the demon boy statue's arms. Changing back to the false reality, the door to the office is now visible. After entering, we flicker back to the true reality, seeing another nynchkuddy in a form of stocks. On the desk is another paper with a puzzle solution. Rapidly going from false reality, exiting the room, and changing to the true reality, we go to the far left of the hall (almost the end) and use this new paper to solve the picture frame puzzle. After it falls to the floor, a photo is revealed and we add it to our inventory. Heading all the way left, we can now examine the true version of the scroll for this section. Jonah was, like the others, a serial killer who had at least seven known victims. After they were bled and skinned, he would cook and devour them. Upon being asked for the reasoning to his methodology, he replied that he was looking for the best meat to go with the wine he personally vinified. The manhunt to find him took months and after his capture, he was hanged to death.

On the wall across from the scroll, we insert our remaining slip of paper into a machine entitled "Follow the Moon". Using the information obtained from this machine, we return to the demon boy statue and solve the puzzle box below him. The door fades away and to our dismay, it's a jar of urine. Unfortunately, it must be collected anyway. Going inside the artifact room, Mr. Larson comments on the smell of pee briefly. Clicking the newspaper on the shelf, we read about more disappearances of children. After that, we splash the urine onto the center of the shelf before flicking back to the false reality to move the projector over the shelf and turn it on via the button. Returning to the true reality, we can now see symbols telling us to switch the sun and moon. Above Jonah's table in the hall, we take the sun painting and inside the kitchen area, we take the moon painting. After switching them, a key descends from the ceiling next to where the moon painting now resides. Using the key in the display room brings out a picture frame with help for a puzzle later. Returning to the kitchen, we head to the oven and toss the mandrake from our inventory inside. Citing the recipe for mandrake bread, we adjust the oven's settings and within a moment we have a fleshy loaf for the taking.

Placing the loaf in the demon boy's hands causes a picture frame to descend with another piece of help for our future puzzle. We finally can go back to the bookshelves and enter the secret passage (in the shape of a cyclops with a gaping mouth) for a last time. After adding the photo to the gallery, the safe disappears and reveals "The Eyepiercer" sword. As the name implies, once we exit the secret passage, we stab the cyclops in the eye and cause one more puzzle hint to pop into its jaws. Going to the table below the portrait of the Puppeteer, we see a map. Using the hints from before, we click certain quadrants of the map in order.

Once complete, a bookshelf moves back to reveal another hidden passage. Jonah waits inside, now with an insect head. He challenges us to three final rounds of "The Devil's Game". Beating him in all three rounds sends him back to hell with the others. Before he vanishes, he tells us that the guard will kill us. No worries, however! On the poster above the table is a pistol, ready for the taking. Now able to see the guard's true form (a rat-headed humanoid), we chase him throughout the various wings of the museum. After filling him with enough rounds, he slumps against a wall, dead. Now we can take the key from his belt. The key fits perfectly into the door next to Jonah's table in the hall of the library and we're greeted by the museum's "Lost & Found" booth. But now we have a few choices as for what to do next...

Possible Endings:[]

Option 1:[]

Mr. Larson can just take the crowbar and pry off the boards blocking the double doors, leaving alone. This fills him with regret and a feeling of cowardice that he did not free the nynchkuddys.

Option 2:[]

Mr. Larson can free a handful of nynchkuddys, open the double doors via crowbar, and leave the rest behind. This also causes him immense regret.

Option 3a:[]

Mr. Larson can free all of the nynchkuddys, open the double doors via crowbar, return the crowbar to the stand (as to get an achievement for "not stealing"), and leave with them all. As he exits, he confidently declares that he'll be able to stop Ruth.

Option 3b:[]

Same as above, but Mr. Larson returns the crowbar and instead takes carpenter's tools with him (specifically a hand drill, a saw, and a hammer), allowing the player to receive a special achievment whose description states "Make the first step in your future occupation".

How To Save All of the Nynchkuddys (Option 3):[]

Where we last left off, we were at the lost and found booth. Upon interaction, a puppet version of Balzhared informs us that we can take only three items at a time and only one of those items can be a key. Be warned, freeing all of the nynchkuddys is a tedious undertaking. However, these poor children are trapped and cannot help themselves. Only Mr. Larson can save them now.

This in mind, we take the pincers, gold key, and paintbrush with us to the kitchen rooms in the library wing. Appearing before us are two nynchkuddys (one seated at a table and one inside a padlocked wooden box. Using the pincers on the padlock allows us to free our first nynchkuddy! Speaking to the one at the table, it informs us that it is too weak to move due to hunger and wants something to eat. Moving right to the stove area, we use the key to get "meat". But unfortunatley, this meat will not sat the nynchkuddy's hunger. But we can ring the bell on the left side of the room to cause a chicken leg to appear under the cloche on the stove itself. Bringing it back to the nynchkuddy, we put it on the plate before him. When it attempts to eat the chicken, the painting behind it laughs mischieviously and the food disappears. Returning to the "Lost and Found", we replace our pincers with pliers and head over to the Scupltural Arts wing. Inside the practice room we find the "student" Gustav was torturing, complaining of a terrible headache. Using the pincers, we remove the nails that were imbedded in his head and he is able to leave now that the pain has significantly lessened. Second nynchkuddy freed! Leaving the practice room, we dip our paintbrush into the bowl of blood (to act as "paint") and return to the kitchen room in the library wing. We paint over the gazes of the two figures in the painting, now blocking them from being able to see the nynchkuddy eating. Retrieving another chicken leg and giving it to the nynchkuddy gives it the strength to get up. Third nynchkuddy freed!

Back at the "Lost and Found" booth, we replace our tools with the sheet and enter the book room of the library wing. Interacting with the nynchkuddy hiding under the carpet, it tells us that it can't leave due to being watched through the painting. Throwing the sheet over the painting, we interact with the nynchkuddy again and it leaves, thanking us for being able to finally leave. Fourth nynchkuddy freed! We take the sheet from off the painting. Back at the "Lost and Found", we trade the sheet with the saw. Going into the false reality, we go left down the hall and enter the office room. Flickering back to the true reality, we can see the nynchkuddy in stocks once more. Using the saw on stocks allows it to escape, thanking us. Fifth nynchkuddy freed! We return to the false reality to exit the room and quickly flicker back to the true reality, returning to our base of operations... the "Lost and Found".

After putting back our saw, we take the sickle, the knife, and the bronze key with a large circular ring. We enter the "Flora and Fauna" wing and immediately stop. Cutting open the candle painting reveals a cage. Using the key directly to the right of the cage, the bars descend into the floor and allow the nynchkuddy within to leave. Sixth nynchkuddy freed! Moving right down the hall and into the plant room, we change to the false reality and under the secondary room to the right. Flickering back to the true reality, we use our sickle to obtain six eyeball stalks. In order to exit, we return to the false reality and immeadiately go to the "Sculptural Arts" wing and decend the elevator to floor "-2". Heading to the left, we give the eyes to the statue whose tongue sticks out, key held within it. Going to the room to the left of the bowl of blood, we use the key to free the 8 nynchkuddys from their shackles. A total of fourteen nynchkuddys freed! Once again, we exit the wing and go to the "Lost and Found".

Taking the pincers again, we return to the Flora and Fauna wing... specifically the left door at the end of the hall that we first met Abigail in. Opening the cage with pincers, the nynchkuddy within reveals that he is fearful of the monster guarding the cage and that it will be eaten if it tries to leave. Putting the meat from our inventory onto the plate behind the monster lets it be distracted enough for a quiet getaway. Sixteenth nynchkuddy freed! Back again to the "Lost & Found".

Returning our tools, we take the silver key and the scissors in their place. Going into the "Sea Mysteries" wing, we venture into the jellyfish room. Moving to the inner left room, we use our scissors to cut the ropes binding the four living nynchkuddys to posts. Twenty nynchkuddys freed! Moving right down the hall, we enter the fish room and come across our caged friend. We can finally open the cage via the silver key and... wait. A puzzle pops out from below the cage. Going from left to right through the wings, we have to enter their individual halls to find a stick figure depicting a form of death. From left to right they are the "Burial", "Hanging", "Drowning", and "Marionette" figures. Now the door to the chute is open and the last nynchkuddy can escape. Twenty in total! We return to the "Lost and Found" booth and grab the crowbar. It's time to open the doors. Removing the wooden planks that barred the doors, we now have the ability to exit.

We're all free.

Possible Deaths:[]

Insect: Use sweetener and click the insect without killing it first.


Guard: If you are too slow/inaccurate with the gun.


  • Jonah Thompson and Gustav Mellor were modeled to look like Davide "Rizzi" Sotovia and Cristiano "Morutar" Bondani respectively. The pair are friends of the developers.
  • The demo version available on Steam (which is free) only contains the introduction and "The Library" wing.